My Story

Hello, I'm Eldar Baruch, a Musician, Composer, Keyboardist & a Live musician-performer - mainly for Dance choreographyTheatre performances, Dance film and Video art. I mostly work in Tel Aviv, Berlin & NYC, however, mutual inspiration is not bound to geographical limits. I believe in collaboration beyond borders and thankful for working with dance, theatre and film artists around the world (USA, China, Europe).

Furthermore, I also play for improvised dance projects, site-specific performances, professional dance workshops & Contact Improvisation (CI) Jams/classes (Tel Aviv, Berlin, NYC, Paris, Shanghai etc.).

My musical palette is comprised of piano solos, electronic soundscapes, rhythms & grooves, abstract-organic soundscapes, acoustic instruments & toys sounds. In my musical creations, I stir my inner sounds with keyboards (Piano, synthesizers, melodica and other keyboard-toys), ukulele, Merlin, computer based programs, my own sampling, kalimba, metallophone & other musical toys.

I dance myself, and am therefore also aware of the powerful influence that a sound, a rhythm and/or a melody have on the way of motion and dance.

I am fascinated by the connection of music and dance; Two abstract forms of creation-art-communication - and their relations. Their mutual nourishment. And from a musician point of view; The way a sound (and silence) empowers a motion. The way delicacy and breeze of music can create a space. Music as illumination of a physical phrase.

In my musical creation for dance, I am attentive to the nuances motion & bodies.

I also facilitate sound workshops for professional dancers, choreographers, film artists and the wide public.

  • To listen to & to read about some of my present & past projects for dance choreography, please click here, or choose a section in the drop-down menu.
  • For any further information & collaborations, feel free to contact me at, or via my website's form, or on Facebook or Instagram.

In my studio. Photo by: Miriam Groener