
Welcome to my website.
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For further information & collaborations, feel free to contact me at eldarbar @ gmail.com or via my website's form, Instagram or Facebook.

Blog | Events

4-5-24; Playing tomorrow at Fou Gallery in NYC

Dear New Yorkers, I’m happy to collaborate with Fou Gallerry and my long time collaborator and inspiration Ching-I Chang for a special event of dance, CI, live music and art.
This Sunday, 5.5, 2-5pm at a special wooden interior and…

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1-1-23; New Year, new creative dialogues, new music

I am excited and curious about new and renewing collaborations with choreographers, theatre directors, interdisciplinary artists, film artists and poets. My music, my ways of exploring new evident melodies within, along with abstract textures, are renewing and taking fresh turns…

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22-10-22; Paris: Dance, space, silence, music.

I was happy to play live at a dance event at La Briqueterie CDCN, Paris.
Attentive and creative dancers. Poetic dialogues of music, sound and bodies. 
Beautiful and spacious place.


17-9-22; Playing tonight for dancers

This evening (20:00-23:00) I will play live music at a precious sphere, facilitated by Edo Ceder. A Contact Improvisation dance jam at Studio Naim (Salame 39). You’re welcome to come, dance and listen.

Note: These recordings' length and timing are set by perceptions of stage & choreography (or film timing/evolution).